So it begins
I don't why I woke up this morning and decided to start a personal blog. I'm really just unpredictable like that, I guess. My life is usually either very boring or fucking rocks and it is nothing in between. So there's that. My friends have started blogs saying "well nobody will read it anyways", but then people do read it and my friends seem to be enjoying it, and I will be damned if I let that gravy train go by. (Sidenote: I effing love KFC gravy, not like in a normal way, but in a perverse I want to bath in it way.)
This weekend I hosted the 2005 Power Hour with preceding Draft and everything. This is how it works: First stretching, this is very important as you do not want to pull anything. Next, choose your beer of choice, lighter beers work better as puking possibilities are already on high alert (Code orange for you Homeland Security buffs). Next, shot glass selection draft, everyone takes turns choosing their team of 5 singles and a double shot. I got most of the ones I wanted including my Pacers and Jack Daniels shot glass. But AMG kept making good pics too, and I selfishly wanted all the good ones. Next you gather round the table and line up your glasses and fill them up. In all you take 7 shots in a round with the double shot last which accounts for two minutes which gives you enough time to refill. Next you toast, down your first shot and wait for the next minute where you take another and you continue for 60 minutes. This amounts to about 7 beers in an hour, which gets you to that good buzz drunk. We are way too old for this game, but it is fun, try at home this weekend if you like.

And to conclude today's post, my best bud T.W. leaves to head back to Iraq today. He is currently serving his 2ND tour over there right now and was back on his two week leave. We had good times when he was back and he has 5 1/2 months left so my thoughts and prayers will be with him until he returns home. Here's a pic of my other best bud Dave, T.W. in the middle and me, at Bdubs last December, the last time he was back:
Sounds like fun. Wish I could have been there.
Oh wait.
I was.
Wow, about time. Way to be on that.
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