A whole lot of randomness
I do not have an overall theme to today's post, just a composite of various thoughts threaded together with no real significance to each other. And I'm not sure why I'm sounding apologetic, it's my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want. Though I am a personal blog rookie, I am finding this whole process very therapeutic (god knows I need it) and much easier to update than my other two blogs where I have to sit down and form a whole organized rant or movie review with research and such. Okay so on with it.
*Softball night last night in Gretna, which is quickly becoming a full blown suburb of Omaha with the housing boom. I guess I had failed to realize that we had only been playing 6:30 games at the park and later games at the high school where it's quiet. This time we played at 9:30pm at the Park for the first time and it was an experience to say the least, I had forgotten the chaos from last year. Over 150 people around the field, drinking heavily, sitting in the back of trucks, one sound system trying to drown out the other, various college tossing games in progress and so much smoke it was foggy while we were playing. Plus a lot of obscenities thrown our way when we made a bad play, which seemed odd to me at a rec softball game. You think I'm making this up, I'm not. There were people around the fence of the whole field, I felt like we were playing a death game in Escape from New York and Kurt Russell had just hit a home run so we could live to fight another day. Two things that struck me during our heartbreaking 10-6 loss to a local construction company: A) Even though I was finding it hard to find laws and city ordinances that were NOT being broken, not once did I see a police car. B) I did see though at least 3-4 kids under the age of 12 running around. What the fuck? Why are these kids not at home, good god parents. These will be the youngsters with not much future ahead of them I guarantee that. But it's not the kids faults, which is why I will make sure they have entitlement programs in their lonely future to ease the pain of their drug addiction like the good liberal that I am. See, it all comes full circle. I'm a good guy.
*I do not like the Daily Show's new set, but I have a feeling it is going to start to grow on me very quickly. I do like the interviews where the guests are at the desk now, Stewart seems more at ease and much sharper. The guests this week have all been of the political nature and frankly hope they stay that way. I tend to flip channels if its a Hollywood guest, because those tend to be yawners. Last night's guest was Bernie Goldberg who oddly enough I can't stand. He's not the typical "I'm not getting enough sex, mad at the world" right winger (see Ann Coulter who needs to be laid in the worst way) He's very serious in his approach instead, but still does the same thing Coulter does. He has a new book blaming the top 100 people (liberals) for corrupting America. He says they are poisoning the country with their tone, but basically the book is just 100 individual attacks on these people saying why he (Goldberg) hates them. Hmm, interesting.
EDITED NOTE: More on Bernie Goldberg's book which full title is "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (And Al Franken is #37)” . Franken and Goldberg were guests on the same news show about two years ago where Franken made a fool out of Goldberg by picking out several glaring lies in Goldberg's old book "Bias". Franken talks about the episode in his last book which I just finished and apparently Goldberg is still bent out of a shape by it, so he decides to take a cheap shot at Franken in the title of his book. Again showing ole Bernie is nothing more than a pissed off righty looking to sell books without adding anything to a civilized national discussion. I added this not only to vent about this but to also give me a reason to repost this photo of me and Al Franken at SXSW this year. I'm a whore, I know. Deal with it.

*Why do I find the show Laguna Beach so god damn appealing? I caught the 2nd season preview special and I should hate this show in every way, but I can't look away. It's more than just a guilty pleasure, it's more than Real World, I think what it is, is damn fine television. Whoever is producing this series is brilliant. It's not the mindnumbing reality show formula, it's reality mixed with some good scripting. They pick the batch of good looking kids, put something in the air to produce that mating season aroma and watch what happens. But it's more than that, the locations, the way they film the show, the dialogue, the storylines, these are the works of the creators. It's the best damn non-reality show I've ever seen. That's what I think.
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When LB originally came out, I was interested because of the way they filmed it. But after the first two episodes I was sick to my stomach with their flood of cutaway reaction shots. It was down right ridiculous. And the kids were not comfortable with the staging of certain scenes. But as the show went on the kids became more comfortable and reaction shots died down a bit, but still too many.
Season 1 DVD comes out on Tuesday. All day Laguna Beach watching party next weekend anyone?
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