Monday, May 08, 2006

The end of an era

This Sunday evening, I will sit down to watch a new episode of the West Wing for the last time. I tend to overdramatize "end of eras" but I am a lover of history and addicted to reminiscing about the "good old days". Last year I said goodbye to one of three of my greatest sports heroes, Uncle Reggie, it was a sad night for me after the Pacers lost game six to those damn Pistons in the playoffs. Watching what I knew the whole game would probably be his last, a player I had watched since elementary school when I became a Pacer fan, mostly because I had to pick a team and everybody was already jumping on the Bulls bandwagon, which I disliked, yes I'm a rebel. Mostly I think it was because of Reggie, you see my late grandma's name was Regina Miller, huh, see the simple connection. I will more than likely being saying goodbye to sports hero #3, Brett Favre sometime this January (#1 of course already retired, Dave Winfield of the hated Yankees) which will be equally hard. I think I attribute this to these players connecting back to my childhood. Since I'm an adult now (yikes), will I ever have connections to great athletes like I do now? I think I probably will not.

It's the same way with television shows over the years that have had the rare fortune to stay on the air for an extended amount of years. It's so strange to watch the FINAL episode of any series that you watched for years, it's nostalgic and strange to watch the characters that have entertained you doing so one last time in those familiar surroundings that will no longer be a part of your life. I'm too young but Cheers and MASH finales were probably devasting and strange. I know the Seinfeld finale was very weird to watch and though I stopped tuning in regularly to the later seasons of Friends, the finale of that was pretty sad to watch as well. I started tuning into the West Wing my Senior year of high school which would have been the last half of the 2nd season. My mom had been constantly nagging me to watch the show, but we didn't get along at all back in those days and so I think I didn't initially watch just out of spite. But I eventually did and was immediately hooked. I was really only mildly interested in politics in those days, I mean come on, my generation came to know politics as this constant battle about whether blow jobs in the oval office were or were not appropriate. Not exactly the kind of inspiring debate that would get us passionate.

I believe I was immediately drawn to the genious that is an Aaron Sorkin script. I went on to dutifully tune in every Wednesday night and eventually Sunday night (where along with Friday night are where shows go to die). And with the priceless invention of season DVD collections was able to enjoy the first and second seasons in their entirety. Only for a brief point during the fifth season after Sorkin left the show (which I still find troubling and will hold against him) did West Wing get a little weak, but through seven seasons the show has been solid to the end. This past episode on Sunday was one of my favorites from this season, very solid writing and acting, just great stuff which makes me wish the show would continue. I intially thought it was a good ending point to finalize as Bartlett left office, and it still might be, but it's really starting to get good again and I could really see the unique storylines they could continue with Santos as President. But alas it will not and the show will pass away to television heaven. It is one of three shows I watch regularly and out of those the only drama. I'm trying to get into Conviction, but it's just not happening. They just don't make good shows anymore. Reality TV can kiss my ass, eff you for ruining it for everyone. The only ray of sunshine is that Sorkin has a new show this fall, which I am awaiting with anticipation though not trying to set my expectations too high. Though Sports Night and West Wing are worthy of the highest standards. So I will tune in one last time on Sunday night and say goodbye to the characters I have followed for the past seven years.

Good night and good luck.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Lara said...

I can't believe West Wing is ending, either. It's become such a staple of great TV...of which there's little to begin with. At least there's the boxed sets to keep you company now....

At 8:31 AM, Blogger scott c said...

Dude... The "Family Ties" finale wrecked me.


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