Is there anything better than late august
Early December maybe, I'm a big "seasons" person, I have been since I was a little tike. I enjoy the time right before a season shift than the actual season itself I think. Take late August for example, it's such a happening time, kids are going back to school, the weather is getting a little cooler, football is on the horizon, the new fall television season is about to start. Things are snapping, moving, it's a nice change from the lazy dog days of summer. Don't get me wrong, I love the laziness of summer, swimming and lounging at the lake house, long weekends. But I get sick of it faster than other seasons. My hate of air conditioning is one of the reasons, I mean I like being cool, but I love having the windows open and getting the fresh air. And so does my cat Dax, he can't get enough of sitting on the little soft ledge I made him in the window in my office and watching the cars and people outside in the street.
I like that there will be football five days a week. With Tuesdays at bdubs and West Wing on Wednesdays, that's a complete week. Throwing on my favorite hoodie and sitting outside in the cool night air, drinking a jack and coke, trying to stay warm, you can't beat that. If my deck wasn't about to collapse I'd put a tv out there to watch football. Dub and I are planning on going to a lot of Friday night high school games as well, my cousin is a starter at our old high school and since we were just hired to run the school districts new PR campaign, I'm hoping to score two season passes at our meeting with the board tonight. We should decide whether we're going to be Millard North or Burke fans also, both schools are right up the street from us and we're technically in the Millard North zone, but my mom went to Burke so I'm thinking we'll choose them to rout for.
Since I turned 21, Thursdays have become the best day of the week, I usually never had class on Fridays, and if I did it was one class and I usually skipped it or showed up drunk (this could have contributed to the academic probation that first semester, but I digress). There was no better feeling then finishing class on Thursday afternoon swinging by the Osco Drug by my college place on the way home from class, picking up a bundle of cheap boos and getting ready to drink, watch football, go out to the "O" street bars and relax. God, I miss college so much, I'm to the point where I even miss going to class, I don't miss the hundreds of pages of papers I wrote over my five years there, but still I miss it alot (and yes I did graduate, with a double major in Film and Political Science and a minor in History and a respectable 3.3 GPA so take that). I miss my college friends, they've all moved away or I've lost contact, though Maslonka and my bro have recently moved to O-town, so that's good news (tear right?).
So in the midst of late August, I am making a pact with myself to make this fall as close to college as possible for no other reason but to benefit myself and be selfish.
*Mondays - drinking, watching Monday Night Football and fake wrestling with Maslonka
*Tuesdays - bdubs, of course drinking
*Wednesdays - watch West Wing, other shows/movies, rest liver
*Thursdays - finish my work for the week, start drinking early, have people over to watch college football or go out to bars
*Friday - go to a high school football game, bars afterwards
*Saturday - drink and watch football all day, try and bring back "Breakfast and Boos" in the mornings, a tradition I learned while visiting a friend at Notre Dame back in the day that I have tried to start here with no success whatsoever
*Sunday - tape Packers game to watch late that night because we will probably be filming through Sept. and Oct. on most Sundays (God rested on Sunday, but not me)
I guess in conclusion I love this time of year through about January when it starts to get depressing, I love the fall, I love football, I love Halloween and Christmas and of course New Year's if only because it is the only time I can get away with singing and dancing ridiculously to "Celebrate good times". Love that song. This is a long post, I know, but I really only post once a week so it's all good, and I decided to dig up some old college photos for your viewing pleasure since we're strolling down memory lane.