Has it really come to this
Back during WWII Uncle Sam recruited young men and women into the army with this:

Appealing to the inner patriotism of those youngsters to go fight and possibly die for their country. Now with an unpopular war and declining recruiting numbers, rather than appeal to those overzealous young Republicans would jump at the chance to fight in the war they support, right? They have come up with new campaigns like this.

That's right folks, sign up for the Army today and you get 3 free downloads at itunes!
I shit you not.
Gee, I've really been wanting a few of the new Black Eyed Peas songs, but don't want to buy the whole CD, I'll just join the army and get them for free. I'll only have to give up my life for the next three years to spend in a hot desert in a war we are losing where the people hate us and I get shot at and mortared everyday. If anyone actually joins the army because of this, is this the type of reasonable person we want fighting our wars? Dear God.
LOL that's awesome. But about right, I think....my life for three songs? Sounds even.
The very fact that an 18 year old child (sorry, I know it's legally an adult, but no one that age has a clue; what's worse, they are ignorant of their cluelessness) can sign an eight year, binding contract for a job that is dangerous and morally questionable is unacceptable.
Not only should the military be an enlist-at-will situation, the term of employment should be as close as possible to the real world: employment at will. I realize, you can't have a guy resigning during a battle, but at most the military should be able to hold someone to defined terms:
You finish boot-camp or basic training; you have to sign that you want to continue this insanity. If you or the military find the relationship unacceptable at this juncture, you should be able to sever the employment just like any other job.
You sign on for a tour, say a year or 18 months; at the end, both the military and the soldier have to make a specific affirmation of their committment to continue or the job is over and the soldier is free. Cannot be recalled under any circumstances unless he re-enlists of his own volition.
There are lots of dangerous jobs. Oil rig workers, any kind of commercial fishing, these are high risk jobs that some people love to do. But nobody expects an eight year binding contract with ALL the options at the employer's discretion.
If 18 is too young to order a drink, it's too young to sign yourself into indentured servitude as a hired killer on terms that are long on face value, longer if you read the fine print.
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