Friday, September 02, 2005

What the hell is going on

What started out as another hurricane has turned into not only one of the worst national disasters, but one of the most embarrassing and pathetic moments for our government in the history of this country. It has taken me until tonight to fully comprehend what is going on in this country with this tragedy. There's alot of people on the right who are saying that the left is using just criticizing the government to use the tragedy as another way to bash Bush. NO, that is not it, and I don't care if people think that, fuck them. I'm serious, I'm so sick of certain people in this country. While there are so many generous and caring Americans from both sides of the political spectrum who are pledging money to the Red Cross and showing up down there to lend a helping hand, where the hell is our government, where the hell are the rescue missions. It's more than five days after the storm hit and the national guard is just starting to arrive? WHAT THE EFF PEOPLE! How does a part of the country that gets hit by hurricanes every year botch so badly in preparing for a storm? Could it be most of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi's National Guard troops are in Iraq? Yep, you guessed it, oops. The regular Army had it not been in Iraq, would have been in New Orleans evacuating, keeping the peace, stopping the looting and so much more. I know this because my buddy was stationed in Louisiana before shipping to Iraq, and they were called in for several hurricanes in 2002. Could it be that FEMA and the Army Core of Engineers have had major budget cuts that have weakend their response times and delayed projects like building better levees in a city that is below sea level right off the ocean? Yep, right again. I couldn't believe my ears yesterday when I heard a clip of the President saying, "nobody imagined the levees would break in New Orleans". Again, WHAT! The first thing I said when I saw the first report that Katrina was building strength and heading for New Orleans was "oh shit, they're screwed, that city is going to flood like a sombitch" and I'm a farm kid from Omaha, how does the President or any of those oh I don't experts not know what was going to happen? It's the same line of bullshit from 9/11, "well nobody could imagine terrorists flying planes into buildings". Actually there were alot of them George, but you didn't listen during your vacation, hmm, funny maybe you didn't listen during this vacation either. A year from now we'll probably learn that he got a memo saying "Katrina determined to strike New Orleans, levees expected to break". The relief effort has many courageous men and women but no organization, no plan, I saw news report after news report of reporters standing among angry stranded people wondering when help was going to get there. Anderson Cooper snapped at a Democratic Senator during his interview because all she was doing was thanking the President and other Republicans, basically campaigning and being a kiss ass, and all he wanted to know was why there was no truck, no helicopter dropping food and water to these people. For that she had no answer. And lastly my anger is directed at those worthless human beings on the Right in the media who are doing nothing but trashing liberals for first not giving aid, (just to point out, EVERY liberal blog I've seen has links to the Red Cross and has been encouraging their readers to give money, go to Ann Coulter's site or Bill O'reilly and try to spot their helping hand message, you won't find it), then absurd comments like:

"nobody made these people live in New Orleans" - Rush Limbaugh

"well maybe if these people didn't live paycheck to paycheck they wouldn't have to loot to eat" -Bill O'Reilly

The last comment is by far the most idiotic and pathetic thing I have ever heard. O'Reilly both hates raising the minimum wage and hates people not making enough money at the same time. Amazing. And since they're poor, they should probably just die is what I took from it. I sit here not even believing what is going on, this is the first time I've seen a natural disaster bring so much rage out in people. It's not a fun time to live in America right now. This post is long but I needed to vent. Sorry.


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